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10 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Node JS Shopping Cart

Node JS shopping cart

People make new habits every day. The rising arc of e-commerce reveals an interesting habit that people seem to have cultivated over a period of time- Ordering stuff online. Almost everything is available online at affordable prices. People now engage in social commerce. Ecommerce business owners should learn more about the trends of e-commerce. Technology is giving E-commerce industry the much necessary fillip. It is therefore important for every business owner to know why he/she should prefer one technology over another.

Shopping cart platforms built on Node JS frameworks are much more scalable than those built on Java. Many programmers opine that in future, Java shall be used to program hardware. Software development is all touted to take up fewer resources. Node JS can be used for building software products. Before detailing out top 10 reasons why you should invest in Node JS shopping cart, here is a brief note on Node JS ecommerce technology and its benefits.

Node JS

Node JS

Ryan Dahl is the inventor of Node JS. Node JS is not a programming language. It is an open source runtime framework used for building server-side applications. Node JS applications are written in a programming language called JavaScript. Networking applications built on Node JS framework are fast and scalable. Many established corporations such as General Electric, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Uber, GoDaddy, FastHosts etc., use applications developed on Node JS.

Node JS should be used for data intensive real time applications. It should also be used to build data streaming applications. Node JS is used for creating high-performance APIs.

Benefits of Node JS


Long gone are the days when boundaries between front-end and back-end were cavernous. Node JS applications are programmed in JavaScript. The same scripting language can be used for building back-end and front-end program stack.Community Support

Node JS applications thrive on phenomenal community support. To facilitate frequent connections between client and server applications,, a robust module was developed. The ethos of Node JS community is laudable. The whole community engages in sharing packages of library code. Code is refined, fine-tuned and packaged. From an intellectual property perspective, there shall be no legal obligations.

 NPM – Node Package Manager

Node Package Manager is a simple and an effective package management system which facilitates smooth movement of smaller applications from one provider to another. All applications built on Node JS open source runtime framework have built-in Node Package Manager. In effect, Node Package Manager contains more than 50000 packages.

Node JS is fast

Node JS uses Chrome V8, an open source JavaScript engine developed by The Chromium Project for the Google Chrome web browser. Chrome V8 engine is known for its exceptional running speed. Programmers should write code correctly. Node JS applications shall adhere to the exceptional performance steps if code is written correctly.

Node JS is also used to build server side proxies. However, there is a caveat. Using Node JS applications with traditional relational databases can be painful. To obviate the pain, it is recommended to use other runtime environments such as Django or ASP.Net.

Here are 10 reasons why you should invest in Node JS shopping cart:

Customizable Designs

Node JS shopping carts are used by millions of e-retailers. To differentiate one e-store from another, it is important to avoid any repetition of design. Node JS shopping carts come with different themes and template layouts which help your e-store stand out from the crowd. For all intents and purposes, Node JS shopping cart theme designs and template layouts will serve as facilitators to enhance the brand value and ethos of your store.


Node JS shopping carts are secure than any other shopping cart built on a different platform. Node JS shopping carts take care of the user data and authorization. Moreover, only secure HTTP cookies are available. Thanks toHTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure), communication is completely encrypted. Communication is not initiated unless and until the process of secure identification of Web servers is completed. Online shoppers are fed up with frequent OTP verifications. More often than not, Node JS shopping carts ensure single-click checkout experience without compromising security. As a matter of fact, once a user logouts, session identifiers will be destroyed.


The concepts of unification and systematization are hard to miss in Node JS shopping carts. Let me explain this with a scenario. Consider a scenario in which your e-store operator or IT operator suddenly leaves your e-store. Don’t worry, your e-commerce prospects shall not go for a toss. Thanks to the detailed documentation, all the steps involved in maintenance of seller dashboard and admin panel can be understood without anydifficulties. In case of any queries, support staff is always available. As mentioned earlier, the community of Node JS developers is huge. You can always approach them for assistance.


To design shopping carts in Node JS, you do not require any resources. There are more than 50000 library code packages. The orthodox practice of writing code from scratch can be foregone. Developing shopping carts from ground zero requires immense expertise in web programming. Apart from alpha and beta testing, various types of white box and black box testing should be done. This is not only expensive but also time taking. When industry powerhouses such as Facebook, Amazon etc., are relying on Node JS, do you still think traditional web development is all the more charming? Many budding e-retailers use Node JS shopping carts for its affordability

Inventory Tracking

It is important to never take orders which you cannot handle. Supply chain management is a science in itself. It is important to understand the optimal levels of inventory to be maintained. In other words, every e-retailer should understand EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) and safety stock. ABC analysis is the most commonly used inventory categorization technique. E-retailers should identify top 20 percent of items that contribute to 80% of revenue. In other words, e-retailers should categorize the items as follows:

Category A: Most valuable items

Category B: Valuable items

Category C: Least valuable items

Node JS shopping carts have enough provisions to track inventory by various parameters.

Online store management

Node JS shopping carts enable you to update product description and details. Inventory information should also be furnished correctly. It is also important to run certain discounts and offers on certain categories of products. Information about discounts and offers should also be furnished. SEO is another important factor. Add tags to every product. Tags are known to enhance store visibility on the internet. Other aspects in store management include:

  1. Showcasing available inventory in all available fonts, colors and sizes
  2. Embedding photos
  3. Managing Subscriptions

Payment Gateways

payment gateways

Incorporate as many payment gateways as possible. PayPal is the most commonly used payment gateway. Apart from PayPal, it is important to incorporate Stripe, Amazon Payments and Orbital. Payoneer, Skrill and Alipay should also be supported. Needless to say, your shopping cart should be able to receive payments either from a debit card or credit card. Efficient payment gateways shall improve the ease of doing business. Node JS shopping carts have enough plugins to incorporate the above mentioned payment gateways. Monetary transactions will be secure and cross border commerce is also facilitated. Scaling the e-store becomes easy.

Some other reasons why you should invest in Node JS shopping cart:

Better than contemporary technologies

Node JS technology is here to stay. It is better than any other contemporary technology

Multiple clients from multiple Geographies

It lets you handle multiple clients from multiple geographies.

Customer Behavior

Customer Behavior

Node JS shopping cart helps you identify buying patterns of customers. By observing the buying patterns of customers, you can create customized offers and deliver the offers through personalized mails. Node JS shopping carts have built-in mail delivery modules. For instance, MailChimp is a built-in email marketing and marketing automation software that helps you send better emails and stay connected with your ecommerce customers.

Let me know your thoughts on Node JS technology. If you have any doubts or concerns, drop a line or two in the comments section. I shall reply in a day or two. Watch this space for insights on E-commerce and Facebook marketing. My best wishes are with you and your e-commerce venture. Cheers!

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