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Gigster – Turn Ideas into Apps



Got a startup idea? That is all you would need to get a fully functional app built for you.Gigster is a full-serviced technology development shop, rather than a marketplace where you have to manage all the resources you find.

Send Gigster your app idea and it sends you back that app. Gigster aims to simplify the process to get the product ready, without any hassles. Just go to Gigster site, instant message with a sales engineer, tell them what you want built, and in 10 minutes you get a guaranteed quote for what it would be costing to make the desired product and how long it will take.

Give Gigster the go-ahead, and it will be managed by an elite and highly qualified set of freelance coders and designers to be building your product and provide you up-to date statusreports each week. Once you get your project back, Gigster will even maintain the code, and you could pay to add more upgrades or new features.

The Idea

Gigster helps entrepreneurs affordably develop a minimum viable product so that they can get the necessary funding and much needed attention they need to build a company. The main objective of Gigster is to take the existing hassles out of building an app.

The company only focuses in finding top-notch freelance developers, designers, and project managers with pedigrees from MIT, CalTech, Google, and Stripe, and only accepts 5% of its total applicants. A sales manager is the one who personally discusses proposals with clients, to know their needs and requirements. By using the Artificial Intelligence engine, he/she calculates the cost efficiency, subsequently comes back with a price quote and production schedule in about 10 minutes. Then Gigster manages the entire development process through delivery of the fully-functional app.

How it Works

Gigster does the dirty work for you to convert Your Idea into an effective App. The way Gigster works is simple. As a customer, you write in with the query, what you want your business app to do. Then, Gigster analyses your request, figures out the best team needed for the job – including programmers, product managers, and designers – and gives you a flat quote with a guaranteed return of the desired product

In short, you can call it, “Push a button and eventually get an efficient software.”
If you need software, Gigster provides the easiest way to just get it done, whether you yourself are technical or not. And even if you are of a technical background, it would be cheaper than hiring a full team to get the work done.

Many of the 350-plus developers on Gigster are mostly past and current employees of top-notch companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon. They are equipped to handle all your development needs, from a complete buildout of your app to a short dashso as to create that perfect feature for your site. There is no project too big or too small.


Roger Dickey-Software Engg
Completed his education from University of Illinois at Urbana. He started his career as a software engineer at Intelliepi, where he worked on Labview-based motion control software for wafer fabrication machinery.

He is a person of passion. He wanted to be an entrepreneur.  In 2007, he started Turtle Tutors which was the Airbnb for tutoring. He later co-founded Curiosof, Mafia Wars Zynga, Product X. He is also an investor and advisor for new start-ups and has invested in more than 60+ great startups like Docker, Addepar, Classdojo, OpenGov etc. Currently, he is dedicatedly working on Gigster, and aims to design the words best apps

Completed his Master of Science (MSc), PhD (Candidate), Physics from Cornell University. Debo is a smart, innovative, highly motivated fellow, who is always thinking outside the box. He excels at both theoretical and experimental work. He started his career as a research intern in University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Then, he moved on to working with IBM as a Nano magnetism Computation and Engineering. He is a very talented person who has won several awards such as Young Nigerian Scientist 2011, Anderson Prize for Outstanding Physics Student, Research Honors/Thesis, Summa Cum Laude and Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Beta Kappa. Currently, he working on his dream project with Gigster and wants to bring the best professionals of the world under one platform.

Price Effectiveness

Agencies and development shops have a lot of hidden and overhead costs and are fundamentally lifestyle businesses. In other words, their prime focus is profits. Gigster is investor-backed. As a consequence, their focus is growth and customer satisfaction. They would rather earn a referral from you than take a huge margin!

Privacy Policy

Gigster is quite serious in keeping your ideas safe. It is not in the business of selling your information. They consider the internal information to be a vital part of their relationship with the clients. Gigster takes reasonable steps to protect your Personal Data provided via the Services from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Secret Weapon

There are plenty of freelancers working in the marketplaces, for programming and for other services. But Gigsterhas its own secret weapon, in the guise of a “smart platform”

Gigster uses its coded machine learning technology to get smarter over time. Fundamentally, it itself can figure out the things that are having the same resemblance about different customer projects.

That is very useful innot only figuring out the best developer requiredfor the job, but also in suggesting codes that have helped in completing similar projects in the past. It takes a shorter duration to complete.

Become a Gigster

Gigster aims to write all of the world’s software. They are on the mission in building the largest network of exceptional engineers, designers, and product managers in the world and augmenting them with tools, artificial intelligence, and a rich working environment.

They want professionals to earn income anywhere, anytime by freelancing on interesting projects with amazing people. As a Gigster, you can choose to work your own hours. What matters is the work you do and not when and how you manage to do it.

You can work a little during the week and a ton during the weekends. Part time Gigsters tend to put in 10-20 hours on their freelancing per week but you can scale up to full time hours by taking on more gigs.

Gigsters earn anywhere from $5K to $30K+ on projects that are about 1-2 months in length. On average, you will book $5K per month in earnings. Each projects assigned are of a fixed price and hence, hourly rates are usually very rewarding if you are very good. For well planned projects you will earn anywhere between $50/hr and $250/hr.

Know a few Gigsters

  1. Lindsey :(Swift Engineer) studied CS at MIT, wrote the standard open source form handler for iOS apps, has won the Apple Design award. She teaches iOS to designers and engineers at top Silicon Valley companies like Uber.
  2. Davis : (React Engineer)  using React since it was released and enjoys pushing the boundaries with React Native. Davis has a Computer Science degree and founded multiple start-ups, currently acting as CTO for many.
  3. Sharon : (Android Engineer) has worked at top most tech companies like LinkedIn and built many core Android app for a popular Silicon Valley startup.
  4. Marcel :  (Data  Engineer)  studied Physics and Computer Science at UIUC and wrote a thesis on computer vision. Marcel specializes in using Go, Python, Spark and Docker for data analysis, machine learning and natural language for processing back ends.

The Advantage

You’ll never pay for surplusand our work is guaranteed; if you’re not happy, they will fix it until you are. They even monitor your product after it has been completed and could provide ongoing maintenance.

Every time you Refer new customers to Gigster you earn cash. You can earn $1,000 when you bring in a $20K project.

We, the members of StartupWhale, wholeheartedly wish the team of Gigster all the very best for the long and promising journey ahead.

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