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Latest Ecommerce Trends You Should Watch Out in 2017

ecommerce trends 2017

There are two industries growing rapidly- Adult entertainment and E-commerce. It goes without saying that competition in both the industries is cut-throat and highly intense. If you want to sustain and flourish, you should learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else. For the best possible results, you should be acquainted with the trends. A winning e-commerce strategy encompasses two things: Customer Acquisition and Customer Retention. Absence of any one element can help your competitors stay afloat in the race. By the time I have written my post on e-commerce trends in 2020, people shall have forgotten the concept of ‘brick and mortar’ world.

As we begin the second quarter of 2017, let us take a look at the latest ecommerce trends that are emerging this year. These Ecommerce trends 2017 should help businesses- both small and big to generate big leads and stay ahead of the competition:

Mobile Shopping :

E-commerce websites should be mobile responsive. They should be developed on Bootstrap framework so as to function smoothly on various devices and different screen sizes. It is worth emphasizing that mobile internet traffic has surpassed desktop traffic. By the end of 2017, mobile internet traffic is estimated to contribute to nearly 60% of e-commerce traffic. Smartphone penetration is expected to skyrocket.

A simple mobile responsive site will not suffice. Converting casual traffic into loyal paying customers requires you to leverage certain growth hacking techniques. For instance, an e-retailer should integrate popular mobile wallets which helps potential customers make payments on the fly. Many popular E-commerce giants such as Alibaba, Amazon and eBay have their own dedicated smartphone applications. If you are an e-retailer, you should definitely get an application for your online E-commerce store. Mobile applications play a significant role in generating substantial revenue.

Voice Search Functionality – Artificial Intelligence :

Google’s research asserts that, approximately 20% of all search requests are placed through voice search. This voice search functionality should be implemented in your eStore. A few years ago, voice searches were considered a ‘fun’ element. Today, voice search functionality is mandatory to drive more traffic to your eStore. If anything, this trend is likely to skyrocket in 2017 and future. Ensure that your optimized eStore responds effectively to the long tail conversational requests of the traffic. Incorporatingattractive content is must.

The use of digital assistants is increasing. The rising popularity of Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are testimonials. Many people have already fallen in love with Microsoft’s Cortana and Google’s voice assistant. Incorporate a digital assistant in your eStore. Artificial intelligence is bound to change the buyer behavior. Keep an eye.

Fraud Management Tools :

No doubt, technology has its own set of pros and cons. An unmissable trend is the surge of privacy and security thefts. This trend shall exist as long as technology exists. However, the surge of robust and highly secure fraud management tools cannot be discounted. Fraud management tools help E-retailers in tackling fraudulent activities. Many people do not engage in online shopping as they fear cyber thefts. If you succeed in winning the trust of such customers, you shall reap rich dividends.

Omni-Channel Commerce :

omni channel commerceCommerce first began with barter system. Slowly, it evolved into brick and mortar stores. Long gone are the days when commerce was just limited to brick and mortar stores. From catalogue sales to sales through smartphones, e-commerce has come a long way. Fads such as social commerce and TV commerce are blossoming. Though such fads are a pleasing phenomenon, many retailers are unable to comprehend channel fragmentation. For instance, the gap between TV commerce and social commerce is subtle. If retailers fail to realize the subtle difference, it may result in dilution of the brand image. Also, a confused client base is not a healthy sign. To get the best results for their eStores, e-retailers should understand the nuances of Omni-channel commerce. Innovation is Omni-channel commerce is possible by leveraging technology.

Same Day Delivery :

For Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, the option of delivery through drone is very much in his target pipeline. As a matter of fact, Amazon is a pioneer in the field of Supply Chain Management.Imitation is the greatest form of flattery.No wonder why many E-commerce giants cherish imitating Amazon in many aspects.According to a Forrester report, more than 29% of consumers shall be willing to shell out extra money for same-day delivery. This number is bound to increase. Companies such as UberRush and Postmates are eagerly looking to cash in on this amazing opportunity. Quick deliveryhas always been a pain point of logistics companies. Many logistics companies do not have enough resources to dispatch the ordered products and items within 24 hours. Thanks to technology, same day delivery for all goods and services is very much possible in the latter half of 2017.

Product Return Policy :

While online shopping has got its own perks, the perils of having an ambiguous product return policy can throw your business into dither. Quite a few customers may not get satisfied with your products. They may opt to return the products. Web business owners should have a clear and concise return policy which makes customers experience a sense of relief and security. Web business owners should educate their respective support staff about the return policies. If customers accost them for any assistance, the support staff should address their concerns. Customer satisfaction is important to drive repeat sales. An unambiguous product return policy will definitely work wonders.

Social Selling :

social sellingSocial selling is an art and science of promoting brands and products on popular social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc. This trend is likely to exist and stay in future. Retailers should have a dedicated Facebook page to keep their target customers notified about latest offers, discounts etc. Retailers should run campaigns on Twitter and post pictures of their best products on Instagram. Once their social networking profiles become popular, it all boils down cashing in on the followers’ goodwill. Retailers should thoroughly understand their target audiences and run robust social media marketing campaigns. I have seen quite a few retailers leveraging Facebook Live Videos feature to showcase their unique designs. Some businesses are using this feature to make important announcements.

Social selling is often integrated with Data-as-a-Service platforms. For instance, if a lot of data about a particular product is available, it can impact the buying decisions of the customers. For instance, too many positive reviews about iPhone 7 can urge non-tech savvy customers to try the gadget. If the reviews are fake, the e-retailer loses loyal customers. While specifications, pictures and reviews are helpful, fake descriptions will definitely play a spoilsport.

Payment Options :

Integrate as many payment gateways as possible. This is one of the ways to boost your sales. You certainly do not want to lose customers just because your eStore doesn’t have a PayPal or any other popular payment gateway. Credit card and debit card integration is must. For all intents and purposes, multiple payment options fetch you leads in bulk.

Personalization :

Unprecedented Personalization is all about pitching hot deals and new products to customers by analyzing their browsing behavior.  It is important to display the right ad to the right customer at the right time. To understand the tastes and preferences of customers, e-retailers have to dig into the data. Data analytics can shed insights on online behavior of shoppers. Data analytics helps e-retailers understand the anticipated and latent needs of customers.There are certain challenges and risks involved. Technology can help e-retailers in surmounting all the risks and challenges with ease.

If you have any doubts or concerns about e-commerce trends, drop a line or two in the comments box. I shall reply in a day or two. Keep watching this space for business tips on Facebook marketing and E-commerce marketing. My best wishes are with you and your e-store. Cheers!

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