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CookReel – The Recipe Video Guide

Recipe video

Long back before the advent of computer technology, books were the web of information. Encyclopedias used to be the central repository filled with huge amounts of answers. Dictionaries had the final say on the fair usage of words within the linguistics. Fiction was a world which could only be imagined after reading it out from the two dimensional pages of a book. Information transmission from one person to another had a gap. The transfer was not smooth. Intricacies were missed out on and certain facts were left ignored. Only technology could have bridged this empty space. And this is what it actually did.

CookReel is a strong caricature of how the right technology leaves no gaps in the transfer of knowledge. However, the knowledge captured within this platform has only been crafted from the standpoint of cooking. The struggleof a newbie to cook great meals has practically ended. They no longer need to educate themselves about terms like tsp and lbs. CookReel allows its users to share their video recipes stage by stage, thus eliminating all the hassles attached to reading out directions from the age old recipe cookbooks. The videos are highly deconstructed which makes them very interactive to watch. Conciseness is a feature CookReel does not fail to provide too.


CookReel is a startup based out of U.S.A. Food is the basic necessity of life and preparing it deliciously is a passion for many. Step by Step guided videos offer you an entailed visual description of how to prepare your favorite dish. A larger goal of CookReel is to kill the boredom of the dull recipe books which are difficult to decode and understand. The videos offered by CookReel are concise and make you learn cooking your favorite dish within a minute. There are a plethora of dishes you can discover via CookReel as well. Learning to cook these dishes is really simple with CookReel. There are dishes which are a particular cook’s special, like an ace up their sleeve. CookReel is a platform where you can obtain the knowhow of developing your own specialty in cooking as well. Through CookReel you can even follow the chefs you idolize and view the video recipes they’ve uploaded as well. The equipment you require to upload your videos is just your Smartphone that’s it.

Using DSLRs or iMovies is never a requirement anymore. You can take your recipe through stages in short steps. As of now this application is available for iOS users only. With CookReel sharing your video recipes across different platforms is never a problem. You can share your videos over platforms like Facebook, Pintrest and Instagram. CookReel ensures through these integrations that you don’t miss out on highlighting your presence over social media as well. A mobile application offering a wide variety of features like CookReel is hard to be ignored. Cooking has never been more fun and with CookReel even beginners can learn in no time.


The Bit by Bit Guidance

You can easily find videos on YouTube of how to cook your favorite dish. So, how does CookReel better it? There are many reasons why using CookReel is better than using YouTube videos on cooking. First up, the consistency of videos on YouTube can’t be trusted as far as cooking videos are concerned. CookReel’s consistency is the key to people readily recommending it. Secondly, CookReel breaks down the cooking procedure into small understandable steps which cover every fine detail that a large continuous video might miss out upon. This step by step division of videos is one of the main features of CookReel.

Glance through New Dishes

CookReel continually gets a huge pile of videos being uploaded on its servers. And this is exactly how the users keep on discovering new dishes. This is how beginners come across various unique and exotic cuisines. This is how their learning curve steadily increases. Through discovering new cuisines the users can develop their own unique specialties as well. Something they prepare for the special occasions. Cuisines that get you the rightful appreciation and praise you deserve.

Follow Your Idols

CookReel is a celebrated video Recipe application which is professed by the professionals as well. In fact CookReel has its own team of professional chefs as well. You can learn right from the people you admire and whose dishes you’ve been lauding since your childhood. Through their videos you’ll get a realistic virtual experience of a one on one learning with them. CookReel has made this benchmark an achievement. Being able to witness the culinary prowess of masters sure does leave many mesmerized. Apart from cuisines you can even venture into learning how to create zesty beverages as well. Learning to make cocktails is a fairly simply process through CookReel.

User Friendly U.I

The U.I of CookReel is very welcoming. It lures you within the plentiful features it offers. Uploading videos is a swift and easy process. Viewing those takes negligible effort too. Step by Step guided videos make them simple to interpret. And any sort of ambiguity within the video is cleared.

Modus Operandi

Operating CookReel is a child’s play. It is very simple. You can upload videos in a whiff. The uploading of files is agile due to the fine tuned technology which is used. Browsing through videos is what keeps the users excited as they keep on discovering new dishes. They’re even able to catch the best of their idols and can follow them ardently through CookReel. The videos are broken into small lumps so that they become easy to understand for the users. Operating these videos is easy and can be done the way you handle any video player. The attraction to CookReel increases even further due its lucrative U.I as well.

Team Composition


S J is the Co-Founder/CTO of CookReel. Hailing from Denver, Colorado S J manages the technical aspects of CookReel.

Andrew Nara Stupak

Andrew Nara Stupak is the Co-Founder/Co-CEO of CookReel. Stupak takes vital decisions pertaining to CookReel.

Aidan Lee

Aidan Lee is the Co-Founder/Co-CEO of CookReel and shares his position with Andrew Nara Stupak. Like Stupak he too takes critical decisions pertaining to CookReel.

Key Takeaway

CookReel is a startup which was highly needed within its sphere. It has created a social platform for cooking enthusiasts who can share their Recipe videos with one another.

It’s an ambitious project which has professed excellence throughout its tenure. CookReel lives up to its name and behaves as a video reel which can be seen by the users.

We at StartupWhale wish Team CookReel all the luck and hope that they are able to carry out their future projects with similar grit and enthusiasm.

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