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AfterVault – Securing Future Uncertainties


Time is often looked upon as the fourth dimension. H.G Wells, the famous English writer popularized this notion through his all time best seller novel ‘The Time Machine’. Nobody knows what the future holds for them and Wells simply orchestrated a fiction around this very concept. Naturally, people were left enthralled as they wanted to believe that future could be seen and dealt with. However, real life is very unlike the world H.G Wells had etched in his fictitious novel. We don’t have the privilege of figuring out what the future has in store for us. Hence, we need to take all the uncertainties of the future into account and start preparing for them right away.

AfterVault offers you a very safe and highly secured platform that allows you to store vital resources and documents within online cloud repositories. It ensures that this critical information is delivered to your loved ones when you’re not around in future. AfterVault continually checks on you through personalized conventions which keep track of you. If you fail to answer to these protocols then your vital resources are automatically made available to your guardian. On sign up, you designate your guardian.


AfterVault is a startup based out of Walnut Creek, U.S.A. As of now you can avail all the services of AfterVault for a small trial period. Otherwise, it is priced at a meager sum of 20$ a year. It allows you to store up to 5 gigabytes worth documents, photos or any other media. You can safely load your will, insurance papers, information related to pets, location of your valuables and any other personal information over AfterVault. It is a highly trustworthy wealth management platform especially for senior citizens.

All your information is safely stored in online repositories or cloud based vaults. These vaults employ world class security with the most robust encryption techniques available. The programmers at AfterVault keep on updating their knowledge base and bring about strong changes to improve the security of the vaults. Your vaults will be checked on a daily basis and you’ll be needed to respond to a host of protocols. If the sequence is not met and a valid proof or witness testifies your demise then your vaults would be opened to your designated guardian. Even personalized notes can be left on AfterVault telling your family that how much you loved them. In case of an unfortunate event the delivery of the contents in your vault would take place with outmost safety and care. Your loved ones would instantly know all the important information they’ll need.


State of the art Solidity

Security is one of the prime concerns of AfterVault. Thus, it stores all the vital information of a user in highly secure online cloud based vaults. Hugely strengthened encryption techniques are undertaken to ensure that the data is not compromised with in any scenario. Top notch testing is performed by pushing by web professionals who try to find a breakthrough from any possible holes they are able to find in the AfterVault system.

Day to Day Supervision

AfterVault keeps keeps a daily track of you through protocols like E-mails and text messages. A sequence of responding to these protocols is developed. If in any circumstance this sequence is not followed then a proof like a death certificate or the testimony of a witness forms the basis of the opening up of your vault. The contents of your vault are only made available to your designated guardian. This information is transferred through a highly secure mechanism. And upon its retrieval your loved ones are longer left in the dark.

Saving Crucial Data

Manage important documents like your will, insurance papers, medication for your pet, location of vital collectives and other relevant resources.  You can load up to 5 gigabytes of information and media over AfterVault. What’s heart touching is the fact that you can even store personalized messages for your loved ones to show how much they meant to you within your vaults as well. Uploading pictures and videos apart from documents is also possible.

Secure Transportation

The data is transmitted in a very safe manner. In case of any unforeseen event, the contents of your vault are made available to your loved ones right away. AfterVault guides them where and how can they find every resource pertaining to the deceased. So your family will know exactly where to find your accounts, where to look for your life insurance, location of valuable items. This critical information is at their disposal once the required proofs are verified.

Ease of Use

AfterVault’s User Interface is highly interactive and intuitive. The major target users of this platform are senior citizens and for them the design is kept as simple as it gets. You can even use its trial version with all the features available.

Modus Operandi

The operation of AfterVault is fairly simple. Firstly, you need to enter all the necessary information and sign up with AfterVault, upon doing this you have to upload all the necessary documents which are further stored in online cloud based vaults. Next you need to define the sequence of protocols you’ll respond to. This enables AfterVault to keep a track of you. Failing to respond to this sequence AfterVault verifies the proofs of an unforeseen event and opens your vault to your designated guardian. The declaration of your guardian is done while you sign up with AfterVault. Your loved ones now have access to all the crucial data you’d want them to have.

Team Composition

Ric Parks

Ric Parks is the founder of AfterVault. He is backed by a solid team of programmers and associates. Ric strongly believes that age is just a number. Ric has also hired a team of web professionals who test AfterVaultto the extreme limits.

Key Takeaway

The essence behind the development of AfterVault is love and care for your loved ones. You can plan for unforeseen circumstances well in advance with AfterVault. This ensures the well being of your family after you’re gone. It assists your loved ones in every possible documentation problem they may face. It is determined projects like AfterVault which are leaving a mark in the current technological retrospect. We at StartupWhale wish team AfterVault all the luck for their future endeavors.

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