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TOP 5 Forex Trading Books For 2019

Forex Trading

Knowledge is power. No other saying applies to forex trading better than this one. Without knowledge, you will just be a spectator in the trading world and watch how your investment slowly but surely decays down to zero. You don’t even have to make any mistakes, it’s just that other traders came prepared and you weren’t ready for them.

You can find all sorts of reading material on the internet, but not everything is useful and not everything is fit for beginners. This list of 5 books that were handpicked should get you on the right track. So without further ado, let’s take a closer look at the best knowledge resources for forex traders.

#1 Free 30min E-Book For Forex Beginners

Price: FREE

This one is probably the Best Forex Book For Trading because it will give you all the information you need as a beginner while, at the same time, it will be easy and fun to read. You will get more than enough information as a beginner from this book alone, so be sure to start your journey with Forex For Beginners E-Book. This free ebook was published by Finance Illustrated and it is specifically tailored for newcomers.

Forex trading for beginners


#2 Currency Trading For Dummies

Price: $10.54

Another stepping stone for beginners that is extremely user-friendly. With this book, you will figure out how Forex works and how you can become a part of it. Forex markets are always on the move and Currency Trading For Dummies will help you keep up with the pace.

Currency Trading For Dummies

#3 Naked Forex

Price: $47.21

If you aren’t a big fan of technical analysis and want to do some raw, “naked” trading, this is a book for you. There are no indicators here, no resistance lines and no bold predictions. With this book you will be learning about trading “the old way” and even though you may not become a fan of it, the information from the book will definitely be of use in your trading career.

Naked Forex

#4 50 Pips A Day Forex Strategy

Price: $9.99

This one is aiming towards traders who don’t want to get too deep into the “hard stuff”. 50 Pips A Day is a very straight forward book that will teach you how you can make consistent income with day trading. However, you will need to be patient and discipline if you want to follow the strategies successfully.

50 Pips A Day Forex Strategy

#5 How To Day Trade For A Living

Price: $2.41

Last but not least, a book that will teach you everything about day trading for a living. Since it focuses mainly on day trading you will have a chance to learn almost everything about it – how it works, how it is different from every other form of trading and why you should consider day trading as your main trading option.

How To Day Trade For A Living

And that concludes our list of top 5 forex trading books for 2019. Arm yourself with patience and take time to read and understand all of these books. Some of the information you will get may not seem that important. But always remember the phrase we mentioned at the beginning – knowledge is power. Information can’t be useless, you just may overlook its value.

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