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InboundGeo : Get Physical Addresses of Website Visitors Automatically


The Idea

If you are a business owner, you must have wondered about those people who visit your website browse through the products they desire to purchase, the individuals who clicked on Contact Us but for some reason did not fill in the form, and last but not the least the set of people who have added the products in the cart but still have not made the purchase. As a businessman these leads have very high rate of conversion, and you would not like to lose out on them. But how do you get this information, your problem now has a solution “Inboundgeo connects you with the right consumers at the right time’

InboundGeo provides you all the information you may require to close the sale with a smart, brief message, directly to your consumer’s doorstep. Now no more getting lost in the sea of email marketers.

You can directly get the physical addresses of your website visitors automatically. Then you could reach them with a highly-targeted piece of direct mail with anexplicit message about something they’ve already shown interest in.

You would love how much time and money you end up saving. Your customers will love receiving a message that’s unique to their interests.

You Care Just a Click Away

Say goodbye to everything you know about creating and buying lists for direct marketing. Assign Inboundgeo to the test and see exclusive leads and superior sales from your advertising. Your first 25 addresses are completely free of cost. After that, it’s just $1 per unique address.

Why Create an Account?

Here are a few reasoning on why you consider tosignup and create an account with inbound geo,

  • You’ll get 25 addresses, Absolutely free!
  • No credit card registration required
  • Super simple installation procedure
  • Uses GPS, Not IP Address
  • Addresses are yours to keep store and maintain
  • Collect surplus, profit!
  • No contract!

How Does it Work

Here are the few simple steps to more sales with Inboundgeo.

  1. Signup
    You can directly signup on the website, fill in the form and start.
  2. Install the code:
    Fractional of your visitors on your website will allow their location. Yes, we know, we’ve been doing this for a sustained period of time. Near about 10% of them will end up in your dashboard. It works on mobile and desktop, and it’s NOT based on IP address. It uses GPS
  3. View Leads
    you can see where the visitors are located and define the areas where there is more demand. You can also view individual address of the person who is browsing.

Why do you need customers?

Customers are the most crucial and foremost people for any organisation. They are the resource upon which the success of the business depends.Creating a loyal chain of customers through good service is the greatest achievement.Without customers no company can survive. The sole objective of every business is sales, and to achieve high revenue you need focus on conversions. So rather than wasting thousand off dollars on advertisement, collect data from the most reliable source, your website.

Capturing Customer Information

  • Collect as much data as possible from existing and the potential leads. This allows you to see exactly who your customers are, their shopping nature and behaviour. A business website is an ideal way of collecting data, as the customer mostly does much of the required work for you by typing in their personal information on to the site, but most don’t. That does not mean that they are not potential conversions. Collect all the information on a central database so it can be accessed and updated by all co related people.
  • Analyse customer behaviour. This allows you to develop and grow anIn depth understanding of how to deal and cater to customer needs. InboundGeo helps you to identify the target audience that was hidden. Collect and analyse these data to develop effective sales strategies to make it a hit.


Michael Sitarzewski  is co-founder and CEO of InboundGeo. He is a skilled and self-trained entrepreneur with a clear cut focus on Web-based software and services. Michael regards helping people understand and leverage technology their life’s everyday work.
In addition to creating successful companies and efficiently running Epic Playground, Michael is profoundly involved in the Dallas, Texas startupsociety, building on the lessons from the Boulder and Denver group, where he spent seven years.
His claim to fame includes innovation, vision, conceptualization, usability, development, mentor, startups, personal financing mode, and a frugal living. He’s debt free, including the house.

Micheal started his career as an information manager in Action Systems INC, with his passion for entrepreneurship he founded or co-founded many companies like Intelligent Networks,, Zerologic Corporation and Epic Playground, Inc. he has recently shown interest in publishing and is a part of LAUNCH DFW, which focuses on rebuilding the brand and significantly amplify the voice of the Dallas/Fort Worth Startup Community.
Micheal was also awarded Best Software, from DaVinci Institute’s Inventor Showcase.

Is it a Stalker?

No, Inbound Geo is not on a stalker Data is at no time shared between customers- even if they’re from the same domain. Nothing stalker about the product. It is only the data collected for that visit to the website and the interest shown, and for that site, to helps in reducing the amount of spam mail at large. “Stalker mode” is the practice of tying to obtain credit card affair to the regularity your mobile phone emits to the email address tied to the purchase at checkout that’s then cross referenced with e-commerce purchases to find your local household address. When you walk into another store with that tech, they know specifically who you are and what arena you’re looking at.


Connect with potential consumers at the right time, close the sale with a smart, targeted message, directly to their doorstep. It’s intelligent direct mail. For example, a shopper visits the website of a local boutique clothier. They look several times at the latest item from a major haute couture brand. A day later, via postal mail, they receive an unbeatable purchase with purchase offer featuring that dress.
Stop wasting time and money with direct mail lists. Remove the prediction and build your own list with your website as the source.

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