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Kurbi – The Place For Local Health-Care Professionals

Medical help app

I often ask entrepreneurs about the prerequisites of running a startup. More often than not, they end up saying that one needs two things to kick-start a venture- Extraordinary levels of motivation and an ability to laugh at oneself. Most of the entrepreneurs opine that they will be doomed and damned if they lack either of the two prerequisites.  The co-founders of Kurbi– Wes Garnett, Andrew Robbins, Steve Roettger, and Mack Eckman are blessed with all the prerequisites. For all the right reasons, they can be deemed the ‘Purveyors’ of entrepreneurship as they firmly believe in the saying- A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but ideas live on.

About Kurbi

Kurbi is a Q&A, web and mobile based private messaging app that finds the best answers to health and fitness questions from local experts that share your interests. It enables its registered users to find community, encouragement, and inspiration to keep doing the activities that matter to them when chronic pain tries to hold them back. This startup is based out of United States of America.

Genesis of Kurbi

Wes Garnett looks back on his entrepreneurial journey he has been on and sums the genesis of Kurbi as follows, “When you need answers to health-related issues, there’s two ways of finding them: internet searches or professional providers. While it’s incredibly easy to find health information online, it’s still very difficult to personalize it for your own specific situation. Setting up appointments with health & wellness professionals usually takes too long, and isn’t typically worth it for most situations. And if you actually need their services, they’re too expensive to keep up with beyond what insurance will pay for. We believe there should be a better way to get easy answers and access to services, so we’re building Kurbi.”

Why Kurbi

Our grievances find little space in Google. Kurbi allows you to get answers from local experts based on your goals and interests.

  • Get Answers not search results

A seemingly ideal method of finding solutions to our health problems is to search in Google and count on the search results. This seemingly ideal solution is not at all practically ideal as most of the Google search results are not fair and square. One often ends up sitting on the fence thereby guessing which results are right and which are not right. All such grievances can be addressed by Kurbi. Kurbi lets you send health and wellness questions to local, qualified experts within 30 miles of wherever you are.

  • Get multiple perspectives

More often than not, we rely on multiple perspectives. If you are undergoing a medical surgery, it is always recommended to take the perspective of at-least two other doctors. When it comes to delivering multiple perspectives, Kurbi stands second to none. By leveraging the features of this app, you can save time and money and do away with dubious consultations. In addition, you can consult only those whom you consider are ‘qualified’ gentlemen.

  • Connect on common ground

If you want to experience the casual eruptions of joy by finding someone who shares common interests, Kurbi is the go-to app for you. When somebody has already experienced your problem(s), he/she will be able to guide you in a better way. Healthcare industry requires people who can empathize and not just those who can only sympathize. Kurbi allows to connect on common grounds.

All the aforementioned features that entirely and effectively bridge the communication gap between chronic health patients, care seekers and care providers add brownie points to the kitty of this private messaging healthcare app. This multi-featured app is equipped with a sliding scale that tracks the severity condition of patients.

Modus operandi

Its modus operandi is fairly simple. What all you have to do is to tell the operators of Kurbi your feelings and what you’d like to do. They will connect you with local professionals. Local professionals will take all the pains to answer your questions and ensure that your grievances are duly addressed. By the way, answers will be sent your inbox. In other words, Kurbi’s modus operandi resembles a request-response prototype.

Team Composition

With lots of imagination and loads of effort, Kurbi is all set to become a major attraction thanks to its team composition comprising the following four co-founders:

  • Roettger is the front-end developer.
  • Matt Eckman is the back end developer.
  • Andrew Robbins tries his hand at Kurbi’s data model.
  • Garnett is the core designer of this platform.

 Journey as Entrepreneurs

The co-founders Wes Garnett and Steve Roettger met each other at a financial services firm. They were of the mutual opinion that the startup journey becomes more and more enjoyable when you have a friend next to you. The co-founders firmly believe that working together is better than working alone.  Talking about his roller-coaster journey that is replete with various calculative and cautious moves, Garnett remarked, “In 2010, I was accompanied by Steve in my constant search of startups and communities of startups. We collected our money and resources, worked at various co-working spaces and since 2013, we have been working on Kurbi. We now have fruitful connections with National Multiple Sclerosis Society and other large hospitals. Hopefully, we will be able to launch this app soon.”


Some of the competitors of Kurbi are:

  • MotherKnows
  • Practo
  • Ziffi
  • Simplee
  • Doximity
  • LumoBack
  • Lybrate

Key takeaway

With more and more meritorious startups like Kurbi foraying into healthcare niche, one can safely conclude that good days are in the offing for the healthcare industry. Team StartupWhale wishes this ambitious venture the very best in all its future endeavors.

You can visit the website here and Sign up for free early access.

You can follow the masterminds of this venture here.


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