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Find a Job at YCombinator Startups in less than 45 Minutes

Apr 20, 2016
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One of the things that every college graduate yearns for when he enters this ultra-competitive corporate world is to get enough opportunities so that he can make the most of everything. With galaxy of stalwarts already solving all the industry oriented problems, the foray of fresh talent into the professional world is of paramount importance. Fresh talent brings promising perspectives and graduates duly imbibe the corporate dexterity. Triplebyte is a win-win platform for both graduates and corporates.

  • What is YCombinator?
  • What’s so special about YC?
  • Why should you get a job at YC startups?
  • What are the startups that come under YCombinator? ( popular ones like Dropbox, Zenefits, Instacart, Airbnb )

Wiki page here

About Triplebyte

Triplebyte is a startup based out of San Francisco. It believes in building the world’s best technical hiring process. Be it for recent college graduates or for talented programmers, hiring should be all about what a potential individual can do, not what he/she says he/she can do. In other words, it believes that hiring is not only about an effective resume. It is more about exhibiting supreme levels of technical skills. For programmers, it is about exhibiting superlative ability of coding high performance programs.

ycombinator startups jobs

Genesis of Triplebyte

How did the founders come up with this brilliant idea? Opportunities for graduates are galore. However, it has something to do with the brand-names. Whenever a student graduates from MIT or Stanford or any other Ivy League School, he/she is held in high esteem. Naturally, graduates from such reputed universities demand fat salaries. Most of the corporates will be willing to pay fat salaries thanks to the immense selection bias. But when it comes to performance, many candidates do not perform well. By the time HRs realize that they have made a bad hire, the necessary damage is already done. Triplebyte addresses all such serious issues by bringing a uniform selection criterion. Irrespective of the colleges from which a candidate has graduated, he/she has to exhibit the necessary technical skills.

What makes Triplebyte unique?

On the supposed subject of piece de resistance, Harj Taggar, founder of Triplebyte remarked, “We don’t care where you went to school or which companies you have worked at. We only care if you can code. If you can, we will do everything we can to find the best startups to work at.”

Well, let us head over to its intriguing four step modus operandi:

Step 1:

The candidate or graduate has to create a profile and book a 15 minute phone call with Triplebyte authorities.

Step 2:

The graduate is interviewed. His/her technical skills are duly assessed and a detailed feedback on strengths and weaknesses is provided by Triplebyte. Technical interview generally lasts for 45minutes. Sometimes, it can last for over an hour. The last part typically involves a larger project where candidates need to code some serious stuff. This generally takes a little over 2 hours.

Step 3:

Graduates have to select 5 YCombinator startups in which they are willing to work at. This is an integral part of fast tracked hiring process. If the YCombinator companies feel that the candidates or graduates are indeed the best fit, they do not hesitate in extending an offer.

Step 4:

Once the graduates and potential candidates zero in on to the 5 startups ( you can see the complete list of YC Startups here, necessary guidance is provided so as to take an informed decision. Graduates will get assistance in deciding between offers using the market equity and salary data available with Triplebyte.

The best thing about Triplebyte is that if a candidate has failed, he/she will be guided and provided some useful tips. The candidate will be encouraged to apply once again. The same 4 steps procedure is followed. There are many candidates who have made a mark for themselves in the second and third attempts as well.

Triplebyte’s revenue model is legitimately cogent. Triplebyte charges 25 percent of an engineer’s first-year salary. What if the startup makes a bad hire and the engineer/graduate loses his job? Triplebyte has a solution for this problem as well.

Triplebyte offers a six month guarantee. During the six months duration, the engineer should get accustomed to the startup climes and work accordingly. If the startup is not satisfied with the performance of the engineer, they can sack him. If the hire doesn’t work out as expected, Triplebyte will refund everything and keep nothing.

This technical recruiting platform has raised as much as $3 million in the year 2015 from many investors. Sam Altman, one of the investors said that he has seen immense meritocracy in the Techbyte’s automated ways of assessing candidates’ intellect and technical acumen. $3 million is a colossal amount and no doubt, Triplebyte is a profitable venture.

The Team

Harj Taggar: Harj was previously the first partner brought in at YCombinator since its founding. Before that, he was a TC founder, co-founding Auctomatic which was acquired by Livecurrent Media. He moved to San Fransico from London in 2007. He is the CEO of this promising venture.

Ammon Bartram: Ammon was lead video developer at Justin.tv, before co-founding Socialcam in 2011 with Guillaume Luccisano and Michael Seibel. Socicalcam was acquired by Autodesk in 2012 for $60m. He eats persimmons and enjoys cryptography. He is the Chief Data Officer and founder of this amazing venture.

Guillaume Luccisano: Guillaume is a French software engineer. He previously co-founded Socialcam, a W12 YC startup. Acquired by Autodesk for $60M. He is the Chief Technical Officer and another founder of triplebyte.

Other members are:

  • Buck Shlegeris- Australian Software engineer
  • Chen Pang- Software Engineer
  • Mary Ann Barge- Head of People, native of Bay Area.

This venture hasn’t disclosed the exact number of hires it has placed so far. But it can be inferred from its blog that it has successfully placed more than 1000 hires. This is quite an achievement for a startup which is in its early days.

If you do not have enough academic credentials, do not worry. Improve your programming skills. There are ventures like Triplebyte to help talented graduates. Team StartupWhale wishes the very best to Triplebyte.

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One Response

  1. Hello,
    Is the Job only for graduates and corporates in your territory. Do I qualify as a young entrepreneur in Ghana.And can I go through a little training should I qualify?
    Thank you.


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